Your privacy is important to Cheetah Industries. Cheetah Industries does not collect or use any kind of personal information nor do we use your personal information or sell or disclose any type of information to anyone. We do not keep or store credit card information.
If your Cheetah Machine stops working, please refer to the Cheetah manual and the troubleshooting guide. If the problem cannot be solved, please call Cheetah Industries (805) 227-0624, 9AM - 5PM, M-F, PST. We want to get your Cheetah repaired and back controlling rodents.
Try out a
Our “TIBI” program allows you to try the Cheetah for two weeks so you can see first hand how fast, efficient and deadly the machine truly is. Click Here
Our Cheetah distributor for Canada is Rob and Barb Hoytos. They are located in Milk River, Alberta where they raise cattle and grow forage crops. Their expertise and knowledge in agriculture and ranching serves them well as distributors of the Cheetah. Please contact Rob or Barb Hoytos at 403 647-2517 or email for all your sales, service, and questions about the Cheetah.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is the Cheetah Rodent Control Machine registered with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation?
A: We have been in contact with the CDPR and because there is no pesticide used, there is no need for registration with the agency. The same applies to most other states.
Q: Does the person operating the Cheetah need to be a licensed with the State of California.
A: No licensing is required to operate the Cheetah unless you are a “for hire” rodent control professional. The same applies to most other states.
Q: Is the Cheetah safe to use around children and pets?
A: Yes, the Cheetah is safe. The fumes used to eradicate rodents in their burrows become inert after seconds in open air.
Q: Are there any poisons or chemicals used?
A: There are no poisons, chemicals or explosives used.
Q: How does it kill the rodents?
A: The carbon monoxide fumes enter into the bloodstream at over 10,000 ppm, and puts the animal to sleep.
Q: Do the rodents come out of the tunnel systems after breathing the fumes?
A: No, they lose consciousness within 60 to 90 seconds and remain below ground.
Q: Is carbon monoxide fumigant humane?
A: Yes, the AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia Report states that “carbon monoxide induces loss of consciousness without pain and with minimal discernible discomfort”.
Q: Does the Cheetah machine come with a warranty?
A: Yes, for a period of one year from the date of original purchase.
Cheetah Industries, Paso Robles, California, USA 93446 (805) 227-0624 M-F, 9AM-5PM, PST
The Cheetah rodent control machine assists landowners with the removal of most species of underground burrowing pests.
Business- Cheetah Industries, Inc.(805) 227-0624 9AM - 5PM, M-F, PST.
Rodent Control Machine
… fast, efficient, deadly
Squirrels |
Prairie Dogs |
Pocket Gopher |
Groundhogs |
Moles and Voles |
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Warranty |
Testing |